My Mom Tries CBD for the First Time
By: Tiffany Whitmore
I’m 100% that person in your family or friend group that once they fall in love with a product or brand, they will tell just about everyone they encounter about it. That is me for CBD and Kush Queen. Naturally, I wanted to get my Mom using CBD regularly, but first I had to convince her to try the products.
Here’s how the set up went. I gave my Mom a call a few weeks before April and asked her if she was open to partnering with me to write a Kush Queen blog post about her trying CBD regularly. Not surprisingly, she agreed with no push back. I let her know that I would send her my favorite Kush Queen CBD products with only one stipulation – she had to try the products regularly for one month.
One Month Later…We Met to Recap Her CBD Experience
If you asked me to describe my Mom in two words, open and (very) loving come to mind. Anyone that meets her instantly feels her sweet energy and kindness. This past weekend marked one month of Mom regularly using CBD. The timing was perfect since she was coming to spend Mother’s Day weekend in Nashville. On Saturday, I brewed some coffee, and we sat at the kitchen counter to unpack her CBD experience.
But First a Little Love and Appreciation
To kick things off, I wanted to let my Mom know how much I admired her attitude about life and her ageless mindset. Ten years ago, my dad past away and since then, she has reinvented herself. She’s transitioned from living in a tiny community in Louisiana for 50 years to living in the heart of Dallas. Her and my step-dad travel regularly, and she is always the first to remind me to go with the flow when plans need to change. Before our sit down, she was telling me about an upcoming trip to Yellowstone National Park where she wanted to go fly-fishing and rafting. My heart was gushing, and I let her know how proud of her I was when looking back at her life journey in the last decade. Tears were flowing, it was a moment!
My Mom’s Kush Queen CBD Experience
Before we go on, you need to know my Mom is a Cajun lady with a thick Louisiana accent, read her direct quotes accordingly!
T: What were your first thoughts after we got off of the call where I asked you to try CBD for a month?
Mom: I was scared!
Side note, she never showed a glimpse of fear or hesitation when I first asked, so I had to ask why?
T: What were you scared of?
Mom: I didn’t know the effect it would have on my body.
Ok, that’s fair. Mom shared, she “was more open to trying it because she knew she could trust Kush Queen products.”
Mom’s Month CBD Sample Pack
Mom’s month trial of CBD contained Kush Queen Relax Bath Bombs, Melt and Bäre. Those are my 3 favorite products and ones I thought she would be most comfortable with using regularly. When she got the products, she texted me a pic with the caption “Here we go! Full speed ahead!” I know where I get my enthusiasm from!
Kush Queen’s Relax Bath Bombs
The first product she tried was a Relax CBD Bath Bomb, here’s her report.
“I had a long day at work and wanted to relax before bed – I thought now’s the time.” She had a few thoughts that she may have put her water too hot (lol) and waited a little while before getting into the tub. Once she got in, she soaked for about 20 minutes and loved the aroma of the essential oils. Post bath, she felt super relaxed. “After I got into bed, I felt the CBD relaxing my entire body which put me into the most at ease state of mind, and I almost immediately drifted off into a very peaceful sleep.” “Then when I woke up the next morning I felt totally refreshed, not tired or groggy from the previous day.”
Relax Bath Bomb Highlights from Mom: “Dang, Kush Queen Bath Bombs are big and very fizzy! I loved that about them! Can we get one for all of your aunts at Christmas?” Of course, Mom.
What Did Mom think of Kush Queen’s Melt?
Literally, the first thing she said was “It really works!” Recently, Mom found out she has arthritis in both of her hands, her pain is mainly in the thumb area. She let me know she was looking forward to trying Melt the most! When she used Melt for the first time, she “immediately felt the warming and cooling sensation.” I let her know this was the icy/hot experience from the combined cooling menthol and warming capsicum and camphor oil. On what Mom describes as “regular tightness and pain days” she uses Melt once a day and on “painful days” she uses Melt 2-3 times a day. Over the month, she had a “noticeable feeling of less tightness” in her hand muscles and joints and overall felt her “pain levels ease.” Hearing her report made me so happy!
Melt Highlights from Mom: “It REALLY works!, I like the icy/hot sensation and the fact that it absorbs quickly.”
Would Mom like Bäre, Kush Queen’s CBD Tincture?
Admittedly, I thought Bäre would be the product that would take Mom out of her comfort zone the most. As we began to talk about her using Bäre, she agreed but then completely surprised me with her approach to trying it.
“I had some negative feelings about going to work one morning and didn’t want to deal with my co-workers all day!” Go on Mom, spill the tea! “So I decided this would be a good day to try Bäre. I took a full dropper and headed out to work. On the way there the negative thoughts I had before were all less apparent. I didn’t have that low level of anxiety I had before, and I was thinking, I can totally do this.” At this point, we have a LOL moment about her experience. Then she shared her next thought, “holy shit Bäre works!” “I was in a noticeably more relaxed state about going into work. Even after being at work for half the day I remained in a more peaceful state of mind.” “Now I even take it before bed to help with deep sleep and inflammation recovery.” Ok, Mom, I see you did some reading!
Bäre Highlights from Mom: “The olive oil and CBD tastes is different and takes some getting used to. I have a glass of water to wash it down with afterward. This is the product that surprised me in terms of how well it actually worked for me!”
My Mom Tried Kush Queen CBD for a Month and Loved It!
This interview and learning about my Mom trying CBD for the first time was so much fun! I loved hearing about how and when she decided to try each product. We’ve never done anything like this before, it was refreshing to hear from a different side of her and watch her face light up when she walked me through trying each Kush Queen product.
Final Questions to Capture Mom’s CBD Experience
T: What was your favorite Kush Queen product?
Mom: Bath Bombs – I already love taking baths, so I might have a slight bias here!
T: In your opinion which product was the most effective for you?
Mom: All 3 products worked great with my body. They all did what they said they were going to do.
T: What is your must-have Kush Queen product?
Mom: Bath Bombs and Melt. Don’t make me pick one!
Looking back on this past month, Mom shared “CBD is nothing to be afraid of – I had no reason to be scared, but it was new for me and something I wasn’t familiar with. Now I encourage others, especially those that are aging, to try CBD and I let them know to try it on their own terms and in a safe environment.”
Does your mom love our Kush Queen CBD products?! We want to know! Don’t forget to follow and tag @kushqueenshop & @kushqueenco in your Instaram posts and stories?
Looking for some new CBD products to try? Shop Kush Queen CBD Bath Bombs, CBD Tinctures, CBD Topicals and more below!