So You Want to Talk to Your Family about Cannabis


It’s that time of year again. The holiday season is happening, global pandemic or not. Reuniting with the family you only see this time of year can be full of laughs and meaningful conversations...or it can be chock-full of tension and misunderstandings. Add to the mix an ultra-divisive election season, and you’ve got a recipe that no one wants to recreate. 

One issue that this election season seemed to neutralize is the legalization of cannabis and the decriminalization of recreational drugs. With 5 states passing new laws to make recreational and medical cannabis accessible, now is the perfect time to discuss your position on drug policy reform with your family. Even with such widespread support of legalization, this conversation is bound to bring up some anxieties. Never fear, Team Kush Queen has been through this process before and we’ve laid out some tips and facts to steer your conversation toward better understanding. 


Point #1 - Support for Cannabis is Nonpartisan Issue

If I were having my first convo with the fam about cannabis, this would be my opening statement. Given the widespread support for medical and adult-use cannabis, the folks sitting around your table might already be onboard. The pandemic may have even helped drive this point home, with states like California deeming cannabis businesses essential back in March. 

The veil of the failed war of drugs is being lifted and members of all sides of the political spectrum seem to have taken a more neutral stance on drug reform. Potential tax revenue, the opioid addiction crisis, and advocacy for criminal justice reform have tipped the scales toward widespread acceptance of cannabis use. Plus, federal legalization is up for a vote by the house of representatives this year. 


Point #2 - Cannabis IS Medicine

If nonpartisan support isn’t enough, look to the science supporting the plant’s medicinal value. Studies show that cannabis might be helpful in reducing lung inflammation caused by Covid-19 and offer a slew of evidence that’s inspiring more research--exactly what cannabis advocates have been pushing for all along. 

From a wellness perspective, cannabis offers a variety of ingestion methods that range from smoking and vaping, to edibles and tinctures, to topicals and skin care. This means grandma doesn’t necessarily need to light up to benefit from cannabis. Gift her a Kush Queen Holiday bath bomb or our Melt Pain Relief lotion and let her experience the healing potential of the plant for herself.

Point #3 - Anti-Cannabis Policy is Racist

This point may ruffle some feathers, particularly if you’re speaking to members of law enforcement and their supporters, but being equipped with the facts will help you make your case. Analysis of arrest records across the US and Canada show a massive racial disparity in cannabis related citations and arrests, with Black people bearing the brunt of this imbalance. 

When speaking to an audience that seems more concerned with fiscal matters than human rights, point out that the criminal justice system is being misused, especially in places where cannabis is legal, taxing limited resources and packing already overcrowded jails with innocent people. 

Point #4 - Cannabis Helps Someone They Love 

Whether you’re a perfectly healthy person who enjoys weed to unwind at the end of the day or someone who needs cannabis to keep illness at bay, you are the best representative the plant has at your holiday gathering. Seeing someone they love speak so highly about cannabis might be the tipping point for your relatives to come around and see a new perspective. 

They might not jump ship this year, but from my experience, planting the seed is just the beginning of creating acceptance where there was once none. If it’s too soon to admit your cannabis consumption to your family, use the points above to start a conversation. You never know who else at the table might agree with you.


Wishing You a Safe, Healthy, and High Holiday Season

After a year like 2020, we all deserve a holiday. Team Kush Queen wishes you the best of luck speaking to your family about cannabis this holiday season.  

Let us know how your convo went! Slide into the @kushqueenco DMs or tag us on the ‘Gram.